Posted on 3/21/2022
Coolant is a car fluid that is a vital part of the cooling system. It travels through your car's hoses, radiator, water pump, and engine. Its main job is to prevent the engine from overheating by drawing its excess heat away. When the fluid levels drop or become contaminated, it cannot do its job effectively, making your engine susceptible to damage. To avoid major repairs, we recommend getting your coolant flushed as a form of preventative maintenance. When Should You Do It? Sometimes, your automaker will outline when it would make sense for you to get this particular service. The interval varies depending on what type of vehicle you drive, the car's age, and the kind of coolant that your vehicle takes. Some vehicles' fluids need to be flushed as often as every 30,000 miles, while some can go longer. Besides the number of miles, you can look out for the following signs that indicate you need a coolant flush soon: Engine temperature gauge creeping up to "H"&nb ... read more