Concierge driver to and from work is always an A+ service with In Motion whenever you car breaks down or just need a tune up. No need to get a rental! Their prices are significantly cheaper than dealerships, sometimes hundreds compared to thousands, and comparable to other local businesses. The jobs are always well done, clean, and trustworthy. They take the time to detail exactly what they would like to do, itemize each aspect of it, and tell you what is most important, in order, if you don’t have the funds to pay for everything. They don’t tack on a lot of extras, and they routinely stick to three principles: Fix the problem Fix the cause of the problem/the next problem to happen Suggest 1 fix/service to get the most of your car. For example, I just had a coil go wrong, so I replaced all 4 coils, and got a fuel injection to help them last longer, as well as other parts of my car.
Thanks for the awesome review Will! We really appreciate you coming to us for your cars needs! Thank you sir!
- inMOTION Auto Care